👀눈싸움시작! 1.하나으.2.두울.3서잇. 요땅!! 눈싸움에서 졌다 싶으신 분들은 ASTRO팔로잉 시이자악!!
Hello~~~~hehehehehehe my first message!!!!!! this is homme fatale MJ~!!
let's start the eye fight! 1. onnnne 2. twwooo 3.threeee START!! if you think you lost the eye fight, then start to follow ASTRO!!!
[Cha Eunwoo]
예스예스 저희 아스트로트 SNS가 오픈되었습니다!!!
더 열심히 하는 아스트로 짜으누가 되겠습니다
YES YES! our social media page has opened!!!!
I'll do my best to show the better of ChaEunWoo the ASTRO~!!
[Jinjin]아스트로의 리더 JINJIN입니당❤
앞으로 열시미할게요 많이 기대해주때욤><
#ASTRO #아스트로 #JINJIN #진진 #ToBeContinued
This is JINJIN, a leader of ASTRO❤
I'll do my best!! so give us lot of your support and love!!><
[Rocky]안녕하세요 아스트로 라키 입니다~~히히히^^
ㅎ-ㅎ 항상 새로운 모습 보여드리는
무한 매력 라키가 되겠습니다
Hello~ this is Rocky of ASTRO~!! hehe^^
I'll try hard myself to show a brand new looks to you everyday~!!
[Yoon Sanha]
쀼이~~ 아스트로 비글막내 윤산하입니다!! 히힛♡.♡ 지금 너무 신기하고 떨려요ㅠ(왜 떨리는거지..?)ㅎㅎ 아무튼!! 사진이랑 영상 많이많이 올릴테니까 자주 놀러와주세요!ㅎㅎ 기분이상해 흐흣 (///3///)
Hello~ this is SanHa, a beagle and the youngest of ASTRO!!hehe♡.♡
I'm so nervous and tremble (why am I gets so nervous??)!! anyway~!
we'll try our best to uploads lot's of photos and videos so don't forget to visit our page~!! feel so weird~~(////////3/////////
[Moonbin]안녕하세요 아스트로의 문빈입니다아아아아 ㅎㅎ 요즘 날씨가더운데 더위 조심하고 더워도 에어컨 너무 오랫동안 켜놓지 마세요!! 감기걸리면 안되니까 알겠죠??😀
Hello this is MoonBin of ASTRO~!
becareful of the weather in these day~! soooo hot!!
and don't turn on the air conditional all day even you feel very hot~! ;cause
that makes you to catching a cold easily!!
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